Shaving brush Leopardi

Color: Neutral

Shaving brush with ox horn handle

The elegant and functional shaving brush Leopardi is an ox horn handle and soft bristles for a luxurious shaving experience.

bristle length: 5 cm

handle Diameter: 3 cm

handle length: 5,5 cm

Made in Italy

Ox Horn handle*

Natural bristles

Clean it with warm water

After use, place it with the bristles facing down to tap out excess water thus avoiding water stagnation inside the bristles

Never leave it under dry heat (for ex. the sun)

Keep it in a dry environment

Never leave it soaking in water

Avoid strong and abrasive detergents for the cleaning

* The ox horn uses to manufacture our items exclusively comes from controlled breeding, from animals not protected by government laws since they are not under threat. These materials are entirely hand worked with only few electric tools

Did you know that?

Giacomo Leopardi is considered the greatest Italian poet of the nineteenth century and one of the most important figures in the literature of the world as well as one of the principals of literary romanticism. He loved to be corrosive until becoming perfidious. We can find an example of that in the Palinody to Marquis Gino Capponi “O hail, thous salutary sign, first beam of light of this our wondrous, rising age!” when he intended to be satirical and makes fun of liberal trends of having long beards making thus meaning that the values of culture were intended by intellectuals of that time as directly proportionals to the length of beards and mustache.

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