Aldo Lorenzi reinitiates his workshop inside the LARUSMIANI Boutique.
“For your work to prosper, you first need to fall in love with it.”

Aldo Lorenzi – “When I was a kid only a few people could afford the luxury of cutting a steak with a particularly nice, functional knife. Nowadays the choice is very wide, but it is also easier that appearance prevails. Guglielmo Miani is one of the few, who appreciates authenticity, combined with the beauty and depth of knowledge. That's why I found it natural to convey to him all the work experience I had gained during my years of work."
Guglielmo Miani – “Aldo Lorenzi has taught me the importance of dreaming and be concrete at the same time. A master with whom I share the enthusiasm of making the impossible possible and the passion for real things: uniqueness can only be noticed in the creation of the best, remaining true to the past, but with a contemporary approach. "
Aldo Lorenzi and Guglielmo Miani’s interview

Guglielmo Miani - “What you are telling me is very important. We have to transmit our way of seeing and doing things, our passion.”
Functionality vs Aesthetics
Guglielmo Miani – “For Larusmiani I always want to focus intensly on everything, on every detail of the garment with obsessive attention – the belt loop, the secret pocket, even the seagull embroidered inside in place of an ordinary label. Certainly, they’re details, but to me they are details that make the difference.”
Aldo Lorenzi – “It’s certainly nota s if you just wake up one morning like that, there’s a reason. And the reason is knowledge. To know, to understand the how and why of things you have to be courious, to study, to have travelled the world, and I acquired a wealth of experience that formed the basis to start creating, shaping and building. I am no Leonardo da Vinci. I haven’t discovered anything new, I worked on and developed what other invented and I offered it at the right time.”
Guglielmo – “You and I have similar ways of dealing with things.”
Aldo Lorenzi – “we’re ninty-nine point nine per cent similar, the difference is that you also have to focus on the new, you have to be original and amazing, otherwise your business dies. In my field, I deal with useful objects. For example, the blade of certain knives has to be thin, with a concave cutting edge and a thick spine. Such qualities can be appreciated only if someone is able to explain them. So my work is nothing more than this – seventy per cent functionality and thirty per cent looks. Beauty is the salt of life. A little salti s good for you, too much is bad. I added a pinch of salt.”
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Guglielmo Miani – “It’s not uniqueness that makes the difference. It’s the will to strive for the very best in everything that makes for uniqueness. “
Aldo Lorenzi – “That’s why I chose you. Because you are the only sharp-witted, careful and corageous person who can take this project forward. I want poeple to learn how to get a feel for worlds. Taking pleasure in know how is in our DNA and this love should be passed on.”
Guglielmo Miani – “And we are ready!”
Aldo Lorenzi – “My field, like yours, is complicated. We have to be handers-on of this know how. For example, if I now wanted to make clothes like those by Larusmiani, where would I find Vicuna, cashmere or fine cottons? There are lots of things I don’t know!”
Guglielmo Miani – “Ahahah, I can give you a crash course if you like!”
Aldo Lorenzi – “Ahahah, I believe in you and I am sure we could manage it together. On the other hand, what do they say? Nothing ventured, nothing gained!”
A Love Affair
Guglielmo Miani – “You are a master, an endless source of surprise!”
Aldo Lorenzi – “Like when your grandfather talked about cashmere! We certainly didn’t tell stories! When a gentleman tidies his hair with one of my brushes in the morning, it’s a dual pleasure, because not only does it brush well, he knows why it brushes well. In the same way you get pleasure from wearing one of your jackets.”
Guglielmo Miani – “Because I know all the steps that go into handcrafting it.”
Aldo Lorenzi – “We have to make people fall in love with the how and why behind an object, not just the object itself. And that’s why there’s a long way to go.”
Guglielmo Miani – “And that’s our way. Of two people in love with what they do. A real man knows and is master of himself. He knows the rules and has fun playing with them. “
Aldo Lorenzi – “ We have to transmit a message.”
Italian version only
È mattina.Solita corsa per rispettare un’agenda impossibile.
Una lama che corre affilata sulla mia barba.
Un oggetto utile deve essere anche bello.
Pensieri veloci.
Devo andare.
Milano, mille pensieri,
Tutto frenetico intorno a me.
Tutto omologato.
E se mi fermassi un attimo?
Mio nonno mi diceva sempre “Per le cose fatte bene ci vuole tempo.”
Quanto? Questo mi chiedo. Quanto?
Certo potrei farle velocemente e senza intoppi come un automa. Taglio laser, macchine da cucire.
Dov’è il gusto e il sapore di farle veramente per bene?
No. Io a questo non rinuncio. Le cose fatte bene hanno bisogno di tempo.
Il prezzo dell’unicità è il tempo.
La conoscenza, la cura, la ricerca.
Io voglio farle così, senza mezzi termini, senza compromessi.
Cammino veloce.
Immagini che scorrono. Emozioni che affiorano.
Nelle tasche del cappotto, quel vecchio accendino. Le sue iniziali, LA.
Via MonteNapoleone. Quell’angolo vuoto.
Perché? Dov’è finita l’arte di saper fare le cose?
Dov’è finito l’artigiano che vedevo da bambino
e che per ogni domanda aveva una risposta?
Chiudo gli occhi.
LA. Penso. LA.
Mi accendo una sigaretta.
Rivivo il momento e mi fermo.
Via MonteNapoleone 7.
LA mi saluta. E’ Lui, Sì!
“Signor Miani”, mi chiama - “Voglio omaggiarla di questo accendino, è il mio.”
Riapro gli occhi.
E’ tempo di tornare in Boutique.