Box for Shoes “Sciuscià”

Color: Neutral

Box for Shoes


Box made from Wengé wood

4 pots of shoe cream in different colours: black, brown and neutral

Shoelaces of different colours: black and brown

1 leather shoehorn

1 big polishing brush with ebony handle

1 short polishing brush with ebony handle

1 polish cloth

Made in Italy

Box for shoes made from Makassar Ebony wood. The upper part is divided into three smaller covers; the center one is made of non-slip rubber to allow the shoes to be put on in case of cleaning or polishing them. The two sides cover two compartments divided by a removable tray. A very functional and of high quality object perfect for anyone who wants to take care of one’s shoes.

Wengé wood


Non slipper rubber


Lenghth: 35,5 cm

Height: 15 cm

Width: 25 cm

In the years after World War II, the poor boys in Naples used to shine soldiers’ shoes thus changing the English name ‘shoe-shine’ to the napolitan sciuscià. The term had great success and spread all over Italy. Nowadays nobody talks about sciuscià but it remains a heritage of Italian culture.

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